The Ghost Army

The Ghost Army

The official site of the film "The Ghost Army" and the nonprofit "The Ghost Army Legacy Project."

Two wonderful people: Ghost Army veteran Arthur Shilstone, and my talented and lovely co-author Elizabeth Sayles. November 2019. I miss them both!

Photos from The Ghost Army's post

There it was on the CBS TV show "FBI International" last night - The Ghost Army! Several folks emailed me, so I found the episode and screenshotted the moment.

One last post from Minneapolis - in honor of Ghost Army veteran Cleo Hovel, who became an ad guy, and in 1952 sketched an idea for an animal he wanted to add to an advertising campaign: The Hamm's Beer Bear!

Hovel attended the Minneapolis College of Art and Design before he joined the Army and became part of the 603.

He was wounded by enemy artillery and convalesced in Paris, where he met and studied with Picasso. He came back to Minneapolis where he went to work for the Campbell Mithun Agency, before moving to Leo Burnett in Chicago. Hovel worked on some famous advertising campaigns: Charlie the Tuna, the Jolly Green Giant, and the Schlitz Beer campaign—"When you're out of Schlitz, you're out of beer."

One day in 1952, at Freddie’s Café, 605 Second Avenue, in Minneapolis, Hovel talked with an animator about adding an animal to an existing advertising campaign. He sketched out the Bear on a napkin. And a legend was born!

So any time you are enjoying a Hamm's – think of The Ghost Army! Hamm's Beer Club - The Official Facebook Page

Photos from The Ghost Army's post

So many men from the 603rd had a role in the look and feel of Americans' lives in the 1950s, 60s, and beyond. Ghost Army veterans played a major role in the development of many American (and Canadian!) brands. Ned Harris designed perfume bottles for Helena Rubinstein. Bud Bier did package design for Chiclets, Rolaids, Dentyne, and Arrid. Seymour Kent designed jewelry, scarves, and other items for Avon. Cleo Hovel designed the Valley of the Jolly Green Giant and the Hamm's Beer bear. George Riedl's advertising team came up with the "It's Cott to be good" slogan. And George Wilson designed over 250 Dell comics covers.

Today's post covers the work of a veteran we recently discovered--Tony Cipriano. Tony studied at the Philadelphia School of Industrial Arts (now the University of the Arts). In the 1950s he did package design and advertising art for Revlon, Coty, and Colgate. (He hand-lettered the 1950s Colgate toothpaste custom typeface.) In 1964 he moved to Montreal to work for Seagram's as Director of Design, and designed bottles, labels, and packaging for Vandermint, Sabra, VO, Captain Morgan, etc.

What a talented group of guys!

Photos from The Ghost Army's post

Armed with info from Donna Albino, I set out with retired Navy Captain Brooks Berg to find the graves of Ghost Army veterans at the Fort Snelling National Cemetery in Minneapolis. It was my last afternoon there, and time was short, but we hustled through the cold and snow to get it done!

There were three soldiers who went to Europe with the 23rd HQ Special Troops: Norman Larsen and Wallace Bruning, who both served in the 3132, and Ernest Horvath, from the Signal Company Special. We also found William Buschgen, who served in Italy with the 3133rd. Plus Wesley Kleinkauf, who was in the 603rd, transferred out before they went to Europe, and was killed in Normandy. Bios of some of those soldiers can be found here:

Photos from The Ghost Army's post

I was honored to speak on Tuesday night at the Minnesota History Center in Minneapolis. Thanks to Colonel Don Patton and the Harold Deutch WWII Roundtable for inviting me to share the story of the Ghost Army. Great group of people, great trip!

Photos from The Ghost Army's post

Past the fields of shimmering goldenrod, Baileys Seafood, and Dave’s Tackle is Lee Chester Hall in Leesburg NJ. There we celebrated Ghost Army veteran John Christman’s 100th birthday today. More than 100 people came to honor the WWII soldier and gawk at his Congressional Gold Medal, including Congressman Jeff Van Drew, who has gotten to know John pretty well over the last few years. Great job organizing g by granddaughter-in-law Sharon Dilks - who is herself a grandmother of seven!

Just a quick trip, leaving for home at Zero Dark 30, but we’ll worth the effort

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