This is Where We Take Our Stand

This is Where We Take Our Stand

Israel not only permits Jewish terror in the West Bank, but also finances it

Israel not only permits Jewish terror in the West Bank, but also finances it

Israel not only permits Jewish terror in the West Bank, but also finances it ***



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Outernational Home page of Outernational, a world group. Outernational blends rock with global influences, creating revolutionary music that challenges, inspires, and calls for change. Join the movement!

How about this–for argument's sake, let's believe what the Israeli government and military say when they declare over and over again that their bombs and missiles are highly targeted, meaning by their explanation aimed at members of Hamas and, now, Hezbollah.

The key word here is of course "targeted." The Israeli military is one of the most precise and modern killing machines in the world, thanks to the generous support of the United States. So when they "target" someone or something you gotta figure the results are indeed the destruction of that "target." So let's look at some statistics:

–Over 41,000 people have been killed in Gaza over the last 11 months. Of them,

–16,456 were children, 710 of whom were under the age of 1;

–1,151 were health workers, especially those working in the hospitals in Gaza, all of which have been demolished by Israeli bombs;

–220 were clearly, brightly identified UN Aid workers;

–170 were journalists, all of whom were clearly identified as such.

So taking Israel at its word, children, babies, health workers, UN Aid workers, and journalists are, very clearly, TARGETED.

Here is how the 1948 Genocide Convention defines genocide:

The Convention defines genocide as any of five "acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group." These five acts include killing members of the group, causing them serious bodily or mental harm, imposing living conditions intended to destroy the group, preventing births, and forcibly transferring children out of the group. Victims are targeted because of their real or perceived membership of a group, not randomly.

Draw your own conclusion.

In the midst of all of the pundits jabbering about who "won" the debate--whatever the hell that means--how about taking a moment to consider another, apparently not nearly as important, issue: truth.

How about considering why it is that Kamala Harris said NOT ONE WORD to counter Donald Trump's despicable lies about immigrants that essentially amounted to repeated calls for pogroms. As he spewed that venom over and over and over again, she just stood there grinning. And her only "rebuttal" was to declare that she and the democrats were much better at "border security," ie keeping desperate immigrants out of the country.

Then, let's consider the fact that JUST ONE DAY after Israel yet again launched a missile into a refugee camp, immediately killing 19 and wounding 60, many of whom will die, she proudly declared that she will continue to make sure Israel is fully equipped with American missiles so that they can continue to slaughter civilians in Gaza and the West Bank at will, while she sheds crocodile tears for the tens of thousands, including thousands of children, that have been murdered by the Israeli military, and declares hypocritically that "there must be a cease fire."

And how about her puffed up declaration that she will insure that the U.S. has "the MOST LETHAL military in the world." Yes, those are her words, and, frankly, Joseph Goebbels would be proud. American imperialism can rest assured that a Harris administration will do all it can to keep America the strongest imperial power in the world. Heaven forbid Trump would get away with calling her "weak."

I know that you, my friends, are determined to keep Trump and his blatantly fascist program out of power, and I am no less determined. And I know that for most of you, the argument that we have no alternative but to vote for Harris is very strong, and your immediate response to me is "well, what's your alternative?"

But that's not my point here. Go ahead, vote for Harris, but do it with your eyes wide open and a recognition that this is NOT the solution to the rising fascist tide that Trump is leading. This is not just another election. Trump and the entire Republican Party are working tirelessly to scrub millions of voters from the rolls and to prepare the ground for a "bloodbath" should he not come out on top. How will Harris and the Democrats deal with THAT?

And more importantly, how will you and I?

No, I don't know what the alternative is. But I heartily welcome all of my friends, from liberals to conservatives (yes, I know a few), from Progressive Democrats to independents, from anarchists to revolutionary communists, to weigh in and seriously, respectfully, and most importantly honestly, search for a solution to the horrific reality we are facing.

Thank you.

Putting the joy back in genocide:

The 500th US airlift of military aid reaches Israel

Story by John Bacon, USA TODAY, August 26, 2024

The 500th flight carrying U.S. military equipment to Israel since the Israel-Hamas war began has landed, the Israeli Defense Ministry announced Monday.

That is an average of more than one flight per day, plus more than 100 sea shipments. They delivered armored vehicles, munitions, personal protection gear and medical equipment "crucial" to the Israeli military since the war started more than 10 months ago, the ministry said in a statement.

"This operation has delivered over 50,000 tons of military equipment to Israel," the ministry said in a statement.

Military flights are still flying to Israel, but U.N. humanitarian aid operations in Gaza ground to a halt Monday after Israel issued new evacuation orders for a swath of central Gaza, a senior U.N. official told Reuters. Israeli officials said the evacuations were necessary because the military was pursuing Hamas militants in the area. The U.N. official, said the agency's staff had to be moved so quickly that equipment was left behind.

Veterans and Victims in Kristin Hannah’s The Women by Jerry Lembcke - NYU Press

Veterans and Victims in Kristin Hannah’s The Women by Jerry Lembcke - NYU Press

The myth lives on and on and on. Please help spread this insightful, important review by Jerry Lembcke.

"Hannah’s depiction of a country at war is as eyebrow-raising as the one she gave us for Vietnam: Women burning bras – not true; returnees having to purchase their own plane tickets home – not true; protesters spitting on Vietnam veterans – not true. Her spitting stories, of which there are several, stand out because the image of spat-on Vietnam veterans has been so thoroughly debunked. “A myth,” wrote the Los Angeles Times editor when President Barack Obama alluded to it in his 2012 Memorial Day speech.

"The spitting stories also displace the record of thousands of veterans coming home to help end the war. In 1971, Vietnam Veterans Against the War caravaned to Washington to lend their voices to the peace movement. Hundreds returned the medals they were awarded for service in Vietnam, and John Kerry, at the time a VVAW spokesman, delivered an impassioned plea to congress to stop the war. In The Women, Frankie reluctantly took the trip with some friends."

Veterans and Victims in Kristin Hannah’s The Women by Jerry Lembcke - NYU Press Home from Vietnam, Her Lead Character, An Army Nurse, is Spat On – Is There More to This Best-Selling Novel? My Gmail was blowing up. Webcaster Stanley Heller had sent... READ MORE

The DNC slams the door on Gaza advocates

The DNC slams the door on Gaza advocates

In The NY Times gushing summation of the DNC convention today, I found NOT ONE WORD about this. Can you say cult?

The DNC slams the door on Gaza advocates

To see Israel’s moral deterioration since October 7, just turn on your television

To see Israel’s moral deterioration since October 7, just turn on your television

To see Israel’s moral deterioration since October 7, just turn on your television

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