Carrie 2013 Movie

Carrie 2013 Movie

If I concentrate hard enough, I can make things move! There are other people out there like me who can do what I can do! - Carrie


This petition is for those avid CARRIE fans who wish to see an extended, uncut, version of the 2013 adaptation of Stephen King's debut novel, which opened in theaters October 18th, 2013. It has come to the attention of many fans that the version released was not the full version originally filmed -- this fact was made evident by the footage seen in the 59 second teaser - Carrie standing amongst the fires of the burning town, leaked pages from the script detailing scenes not in the final cut - the "Rain of Stones" for instance, child actress Skyler Wexler in the role of young Carrie when none of the scenes in the final cut show a "young Carrie", and indications/speculations made that there were indeed missing scenes/footage from the prom massacre and the town destruction that followed.

I’ve said from the very beginning that this petition is about the fans. It’s always been about us and our desire to see an extended version of Carrie. I’ve also said from the very beginning that this is a word of mouth effort. We have to do all the footwork so-to-speak to ensure our objective. There are so many ways to help out! After you've signed: SHARE the link with your family and friends by posting it to your Facebook timeline or through mass e-mail. Send mass e-mails outside of Facebook: via Yahoo, Google, AOL. If you admin a Facebook fan-page, share the link with your followers. You can also post the link to any Carrie, Stephen King, or horror-related pages/groups where fans might be interested in helping out. You can also take to other forms of social media: Twitter [#Carrie or #CarriePetition or #CarrieExtendedCut with the link copied and pasted in the Tweet], Instagram, Pinterest, Flickr, deviantART, Blogs, YouTube. If you look up Carrie Petition on YouTube, you’ll find a lot of great videos that fans have made to help advertise the effort. You can post the link in a review for the film on websites such as Amazon, Best Buy, Target, Walmart, etc. You could post the link on a Discussion Board. I don’t ask that any fan spend money to advertise, if one chooses to do this, it’s their prerogative. There are many ways to help without using your wallet. Though of course that gesture is appreciated, greatly, it’s still not required. The biggest thing to remember: Share! Share! Share! Everywhere!

It is true that as of right now: There isn't going to be an extended version of the film released. This does NOT mean that it wouldn't happen eventually. It took "The Exorcist" 25 years before getting its full release! This happens sometimes. It's not really a comforting thought, but it's the reality we're facing.

We're hoping that with enough signatures and interest, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Sony Pictures, Screen Gems, 20th Century Fox, and Misher Films will release a special edition extended version for Halloween 2015! Until then, we can at least enjoy some of the deleted and extended scenes on the current Blu-ray edition. The important thing to remember is that this is a worth-while effort. CARRIE fans all over want to see this newest version with all deleted or extended scenes restored within the film, not just as "special features" -- we have to continue reaching out to others and encouraging them to sign and share.

We hope that this petition will bring forth a DVD/Blu-ray release of the extended, uncut, version of Kimberly Pierce's haunting and captivating film "CARRIE". Each of us hope to enjoy the film as, we believe, it was originally intended -- with longer sequences and deleted scenes fully restored.



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