The Rising : 1916 Irish Rebellion Movie

The Rising : 1916 Irish Rebellion Movie

As we near the centennial of Irish Independence, THE RISING will complete the trilogy of great Irish


Upcoming motion picture about the 1916 Easter Rising, the most important event in recent Irish history. In 1916, a small group of Irish men and Irish women rebelled to free Ireland from 700 years of Imperial Rule. This is their story.

Produced by Kevin McCann (The Boys of St.Columbs, Volkswagen Joe), this movie will be filmed in Leitrim, Dublin and Estonia and released to an international audience.

It centres on the life of Seán MacDiarmada, the hero to Michael Collins and mastermind of the Easter Rising. He was the last of the leaders to be executed, May 12th 1916. He was 33.

On the eve of his execution, in his last letter, he wrote,

"I feel happiness the like of which I never experienced in my life before …… I die that the Irish Nation might live."

Before Michael Collins, there was Seán MacDiarmada.

Other movies starring Carole Aubrey-Dumont