An upcoming Bhutanese film shot entirely using the latest 14-bit RAW hack on 5D Mark III.
Plot outline
Drang means a basterd in Dzongkha and Gollay is the name of the no-nonsense General who served under the Paro Penlop Wangchen Drakpa. Thus the name "Drang Gollay". A modern day researcher from CBS played by Sonam Tenzin (Sergyel) in his comeback role meets a very beautiful doctor (introducing Sonam Wangmo) at a very unexpected location which takes them to journeys that will not only discover themselves but unravel all their past mysteries. A complete saga of mistrusts, unceasing hopes, unbroken promises and an undying love. Veteran Bhutanese actor Nidup Dorji plays the title character in his never-seen-before role.
A soon to be released film about the undying legend of love.