ARA - The Movie

ARA - The Movie

"ARA" - Thought Provoking Multi-Reality Sci-Fi / Drama / Thriller. Your Dreams... Our Future...


ARA is a thought provoking Multi-Reality Science Fiction Drama-Thriller.

Your Dreams... Our Future...

The choice between family and science is very simple, but not for Jason Andrews.

The year is 2050, In a Dystopian world where immortality is just at reach, A terminally ill biotech Software Engineer Jason Andrews has to choose between saving his daughter Sam and risking it all or saving himself and staying a loyal employee to the Corporation and live to fight another day for the future of humanity.

Is ARA, Sam’s only hope or Humanity’s?

Definitely, a choice none of us would want to ever face in our lives, but some people make those sacrifices so we can live a better life.

Some interesting trivia info about the origin of our little science fiction movie title:

What does the word ARA means or stands for?

ARA stands for (Artificial Re-Constructive Anomaly & Augmented Reality Application) - an AI capable software running C.O.M.A Corp facilities worldwide.

The Origin of the Meaning of ARA is unknown, but quite possibly it could be Sumerian. An Armenian legend tells that ARA was the name of an Armenian king who was so handsome that the Assyrian queen Semiramis went to war to capture him, which makes quite a story if you think about it and we can maybe make something of it in Part Two of ARA.

But now a few facts we do know about the meaning of the word ARA:

(ARA in Japanese = あら= FRESH) (In Maori = Look, awake, arise, rise up, path, route, passageway, Crossroads) (In Maltese = See, watch) (In Persian = brings rain) (In Arabic = opinions, perspective) - ARA is also constellation, which in ancient Greek is called "Altar"

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