Series of independent adventure-comedies filmed in the Black Hills of South Dakota.
Jamie Klotz's Diary is an independent comedy-adventure film series following a teenage girl as she embarks on a number of increasingly strange but exciting adventures.
The first feature film, The Incredible Search for Jamie Klotz's Diary, premiered September 21, 2013 and the second feature film, The Extraordinary Secret of Jamie Klotz's Diary, premiered May 29, 2015, both at the Mueller Civic Center in Hot Springs, SD.
Jamie Klotz's Diary is a unique series for its time, hearkening back to prior eras of traditional live action family adventure/low fantasy films while most family films are dominated by and overreliant on CGI.
The films are unique not only for its stories, South Dakota locations, and sense of humor, but also for their characterizations of female protagonists, role models for young girls to know they can adventure just as hard as any boy.