"Keep Surfing" tells the story of an unlikely passion in a place that a large part of the world only knows as Oktoberfest City, the birthplace of riversurfing munich germany. A lifestyle documentary that will change your life.


To anyone who has noticed their image. We cooperate with a lot of photographers and artist around the globe but sometimes we find images in the web with no credit so please let us know if you find it here. we will happily credit you as we believe in providing awareness of your work!


Keep Surfing Team

And now a short description of our film with which we started this side years ago:


Surfing in a River? In this terrific Life-Style-Adventure we meet a group of Germans who have mastered the Munich river waves and brought a new dimension in recreation to the Bavarian capital and moreover traveled the world discovering awesome new rapids to surf on. With 35mm-footage of pioneering river surfer Dieter "The Eater", german surf-pro Quirin Rohleder and international legends including Marc Occilupo, Ross Clark Jones and Layne Beachley, "Keep Surfing" is a delightful celebration of 360-airs, pop-shovits, kick-flips and hang-ten´s in the most unlikely of locations. besides it tells a story and characterises 4 diffrent freak-personalities who search for happiness. what they have in common is the passion for surfing.

NICK CARROLL about Keep Surfing:
"What a fascinating show you've made.
An unexpected microcosm full of all the same sorts of characters, with the same sorts of obsessions, that you'd find at any surf spot in the world."

"On a much lighter note Björn Richie Lob’s “Keep Surfing” is a look at a sports subculture — one that’s fascinating, frivolous or both — that should be an audience favorite. Mr. Lob hangs out with the river surfers of Munich, a politely bohemian bunch who drop in on the standing waves created when streams pass over rapids or through obstructed channels. It’s an oddly stately endeavor: the practitioners more or less surf in place, facing upstream and doing 360s and cutbacks across the face of the oncoming but stationary wave."
BJOERN RICHIE LOB an avid surfer himself has been a freelance director, photographer and cinematographer since 2000. Keep Surfing (2009) is particularly close to his heart, since he's devoted a great part of the past ten years to collecting the most gripping and powerful material for this surf epic at locations all over the world.

Tahiti - Teahupoo 2006

Teahupoo 2006



"WER KANN ICH SEIN" von Anne Bürger, die u.a. beim legendären "Keep Surfing" - Dreh mit Ross Clarke Jones am Eisbach 2006 die Kamera führte hier mit einer neuen Arbeit als Autorin und Regisseurin. Mega!!!
Kamera - Peter Bromme, Hannah Schweiger, Anne Bürger
Production Support - HEY NA, Björn Mager
Schnitt - Nina Pfennig
Musik - Anna Sharifi
Colorist - BoW Coleurürger-b1433841

WER KANN ICH SEIN? Idee, Text & Regie - Anne Bürger Kamera - Peter Bromme, Hannah Schweiger, Anne Bürger Production Support - HEY NA, Björn Mager Schnitt - Nina…

Save Thomas, organized by Johannes Mann

Save Thomas, organized by Johannes Mann

Please help Thomas. He is such a nice person allaround and always supports others. Now he needs our help. Love and Aloha´s for Thomas, get well soon, brother.

Save Thomas, organized by Johannes Mann Dear lovely people, We need to save a life! My friend Thomas needs urgent help: First he was diagnosed … Johannes Mann needs your support for Save Thomas

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Other movies starring Rachael Stirling