Alien 5 is the fifth movie of the Alien Saga, directed by Neill Blomkamp und expected for 2018.
Unofficial page.
Plot outline
There aren't yet informations about the plot. It could begin after the end of Aliens of James Cameron (not considering Alien 3 and Alien Resurrection) or it could be the direct sequel of the fourth Alien movie.
Alien 5 is the fifth film of the Alien franchise, which is started in 1979. The new director is Neill Blomkamp and the film is expected for 2018.
Alien 5 è il quinto film della saga di Alien, iniziata nel 1979. Il regista è Neill Blomkamp e l'uscita è prevista per il 2018.
Alien 5 ist der fünfte Film von der Alien Franchise, die im Jahr 1979 angefangen wurde. Der neue Regisseur ist Neill Blomkamp und der Film wird im Jahr 2018 ankommen.