Hotel Vernonia is a USC Undergraduate Thesis Film
Hotel Vernonia is a psychological character piece about an all-american insomniac named TEDDY who inspects hotels for a living. Teddy is accustom to a life of searching for flaws, yet he fails to see the flaws in his own life, most notably the fact that he has no real life beyond his work. When circumstances leave Teddy stranded in the flood-damaged, run down town of Veronina Oregon, he has no choice but to stay the night in the Hotel Vernonia. There he meets ANDREA, a wide-eyed wonderer who longs to explore worlds depicted in the post cards she collects. Teddy and Andrea complete each other, but as she prepares to leave Vernonia...Teddy can't seem to rip himself away from his room...and more specifically, the bed that literally begun to sew itself to him.