Für sechs junge Männer, wie sie unterschiedlicher nicht sein können, bildet der Fanclub des Fußballvereins Eintracht Braunschweig das Zentrum...
Heute Abend um 00:30 Uhr - also in der Nacht von Montag auf Dienstag, läuft im ZDF noch einmal der Film "66/67 - Fairplay war gestern" von Carsten Ludwig und Jan-Christoph Glaser. Natürlich auch in der Mediathek!
Friends, have a look what's possible these days.
From a filmmakers perspective, everything you see here (disregarding acting and writing) was done by a two person crew and a helping hand.
Shot in five sessions a two hours, edited, color graded and mixed in around seven days.
Starting to like filmmaking.
please like and subscribe - there is more to come soon.
M'lab.Performance meet Literature Dive into the surreal with "M" a journey into the heart of motherhood. The film where women, authors, activists, witches, and children converge to reveal the...