Muffin Top

Muffin Top

Love yourself now, not 5 pounds from now! Available on Video On Demand NOW! Go to www.muffintopmovie


Muffin Top: A Love Story is an award winning feature film, getting rave reviews and with a 95% Fresh audience rating on The Hollywood Times says, "Hilariously funny while maintaining the focus that women’s body image issues are no laughing matter." Popdust says Muffin Top is a, "hard-hitting (yet hilarious) look at how society has defined beauty." The Santa Barbara News Press says, "The levels to which you sink to conform to ideals of beauty turns out to be a fertile ground for comedy." Audiences agree that the film is truly funny and truly romantic and have given it a 5 star average on iTunes, a 4.5 star average on and a 95% like it rating on DirectTV. The movie is in select theaters in 27 cities, and ON DEMAND right now. Go to to find out all the listings, or how to get theater tickets. Also, there's a FREE Girl's Night In Party Kit download there with amazing recipes for drinks and food so you can gather your besties and have the ME TIME you so richly deserve.

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