SANDS OF SILENCE: Waves of Courage SOS_SLAVES social impact game
Honored to receive the Equality Prize "Teresa Leon Goyri, City of Logroño"
The award of the City of Logroño bears the name of the Logroño writer and scriptwriter of Spain’s generation of 27, Teresa León Goyri, one of the hat-less women, who lived in exile after the civil war. It is a tribute and recognition of her social commitment and her literary work.
Chelo Álvarez-Stehle has been recognized for her "outstanding career as a journalist, writer, filmmaker and activist in defense of women's rights and, especially, in her fight against sexual violence and trafficking".
The jury has highlighted her documentary film Sands of Silence: Waves of Courage Film on Sexual Violence and Trafficking screened in cities around the world, including Logroño, which has received numerous awards.
Eva Tobías , Councilor for Equality has pointed out: All the nominations received have been valued mainly according to three criteria: the trajectory of the candidate entity/person in the field of equality of women and men; the capacity for social transformation of the work, trajectory or activity in the field of equality of women and men; and the repercussion and influence in the city of Logroño of the action, actions, work or projects or trajectory developed by the proposed person/entity.
"It is an honor to receive this award," says Chelo, who rescues the work and struggle of this logroñesa whose eclectic literary and artistic creation and social commitment were silenced, as so often, under the shadow of her husband. We all know Alberti, but very few of us knew León Goyri".
María Teresa León was a woman committed to the conflictive times in which she lived and who confronted criticism and social conventions. She wrote short stories, novels, plays, biographies, novels, essays, film and radio scripts and an autobiography. He cultivated all literary genres.
In 1928 she published her first book of short stories 'Cuentos para soñar. Throughout her life she wrote seven collections of short stories, many of them with a marked social character, among them 'Rosa fría, patinadora de la luna', with illustrations by her husband Rafael Alberti, and 'Fábulas del tiempo amargo, with a surrealist tone.
Ayuntamiento de Logroño
Hermoso de Mendoza entrega el Premio de Igualdad al IES Cosme García y a la periodista Chelo Álvarez-Stehle El alcalde de Logroño, Pablo Hermoso de Mendoza, ha entregado esta tarde el Premio 'Teresa León Goyri,...
ANDRATX, Mallorca! Viernes 16 Diciembre, 11 H, la directora Chelo Alvarez-Stehle presenta nuestro documental Sands of Silence en el Teatre Sa Teulera con ocasión del 25 N Día de la Eliminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer organizado por el Ajuntament d'Andratx! #violenciasexual #trata #abusosexual #abusodelclero
This coming Wednesday join me in Barcelona as I explore the roots of the other pandemic that never seems to end: #sexualviolence—so we can all discuss ways to contribute to its demise.
The monster in us: Exploring the roots of sexual violence The monster in us: Exploring the roots of sexual violence
Sands of Silence: Waves of Courage A reporter's quest leads to shattering the silence about sexual abuse in her own life.
Viernes 26 N a las 17 H. Emocionada de volver a mi tierra a presentar este impactante documental en el Día Internacional para la Elminación de la Violencia contra la Mujer. Gracias Mujeres de Cine y Ayuntamiento de Logroño, Concejalía de Igualdad.
Ayuntamiento Logroño on Twitter “🎞️📽️| El II Ciclo ‘#MujeresDeCine’ ofrece el viernes ‘Arenas de Silencio: Olas de Valor’, largometraje de Chelo Álvarez-Stehle que aborda el tema de los abusos sexuales. ⏰ 17h 📍 Salón de actos del Edificio Politécnico de la @unirioja 🗣️ Coloquio posterior con la cin...
Chelo Alvarez-Stehle participa hablando de su experiencia personal y de Sands of Silence en el programa Una habitació amb vistes de À Punt TV emitido el 16 de sept. dedicado al PODER. Disponible en la televisión a la carta de en este enlace. "¿Quién tiene el poder en la sociedad/en la Iglesia? ¿Cómo podemos luchar contra el poder que se ejerce injustamente? (Segmento min 23:26 a 34:00)
Una habitació amb vistes | El poder Vivim envoltats de poder: el govern, el nostre cap, el president de la comunitat de veïns… Irene vol demostrar que enderrocar-lo, quan aquest és injust, és possible. Com ens podem oposar a les injustícies del poder? Tal vegada no som conscients del poder que tenim, sobretot quan unim forces.
Chelo Alvarez-Stehle participa hablando de su experiencia personal con #abusosdelclero y de su documental #SandsofSilence en Una habitació amb vistes À Punt TV emitido el 16 de sept. dedicado al PODER. A la carta Aquí: segmento min 23:26 a 34:00
Una habitació amb vistes | El poder Vivim envoltats de poder: el govern, el nostre cap, el president de la comunitat de veïns… Irene vol demostrar que enderrocar-lo, quan aquest és injust, és possible. Com ens podem oposar a les injustícies del poder? Tal vegada no som conscients del poder que tenim, sobretot quan unim forces.