The Gospel of John

The Gospel of John

I had one of the most powerful encounters with the Lord personally, right after I watched this movie


You may get this movie on DVD: (TV edition) (widescreen / 16:9 edition)

Or watch it on YouTube and share it with your friends!

Most people desire the riches that come from a great career, business, or investments. But true riches have a different source:

1 Corinthians 1:5 TPT
In him you have been made extravagantly rich in every way. You have been endowed with a wealth of inspired utterance and the riches that come from your intimate knowledge of him.

His grace cascaded into us

Through him grace cascaded into us, empowering us with the gift of apostleship, so that we can win people from every nation into the obedience that comes from faith, to bring honor to his name.
Rom 1:5 tPt

Our Lord loves doing miracles and filling us with joy

‭Luke 21:27-28 TPT‬
“And at last, when you see how the Son of Man comes—surrounded with a cloud, with great power and miracles, in the radiance of his splendor, and with great glory and praises — it will make you jump for joy! For the time of your full transformation has arrived.”

Turning our attention and passion towards Him leads to a stream of heaven's provision and fulfilled promises.

‭Luke 12:31-32 TPT‬
As you passionately seek his kingdom, above all else, he will supply your needs.
So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends!
Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom with all its promises!

Turning our attention and passion towards Him leads to a stream of heaven's provision and fulfilled promises.

‭Luke 12:31-32 TPT‬
As you passionately seek his kingdom, above all else, he will supply your needs.
So don’t ever be afraid, dearest friends!
Your loving Father joyously gives you his kingdom with all its promises!

‭Luke 8:18 TPT‬
So pay careful attention to your hearts as you listen to my teaching, for to those who have open hearts, even more revelation will be given to them until it overflows. And for those who do not listen with open hearts, what little light they imagine themselves to have will be taken away.”

Fear is the main enemy to overcome, not sin

Jesus could have first acknowledged that Peter was right about being a sinful man. Instead he encouraged him not to give in to fear. What does this tell us about the Father's character and heart?

‭Luke 5:8-10 TPT‬
When Simon Peter saw this astonishing miracle, he knelt at Jesus’ feet and begged him, “Go away from me, Master, for I am a sinful man!”
Simon Peter and the other fishermen—including his fishing partners, Jacob and John, the sons of Zebedee—were awestruck over the miracle catch of fish.
Jesus answered, “Do not yield to your fear, Simon Peter. From now on, you will catch men for salvation!"

Our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Let's treat them well.

"Whether you eat or drink, live your life in a way that glorifies and honors God."

‭1 Corinthians 10:31 tPt

Videos (See all)

Loving People - is it possible?
How can I get more confident?
Origin Story: Gospel of John Facebook Group
Origin Story: Gospel of John Facebook Group
Hearing God Clearly - Part 3: Growing in Discernment and Wisdom


Other movies directed by Zaklinacz
Other movies starring Zachary Gordon