Set at the intersection of love, death, and laughter, the film is a darkest comedy exploring the power of sadness against the instinct to survive. Kat & El
LOVE IN THE LAST FIVE DAYS started out as an homage to chemical depression. Heather Anne Campbell loves anything set in an apocalypse. One evening, she and I were watching a zombie movie, and I turned to her and said, "as a depressed person, these movies make no sense to me. If it's an apocolypse, why would anyone fight to survive? I struggle to find reasons to keep going as it is, and my life is pretty cushy. If it's the end of the world, just kill yourself."
Six months later, on the beaches of Bora Bora, the first draft of LOVE IN THE LAST FIVE DAYS was born.
The film is particularly important to me because it's a comedy that touches on big issues without being reductive. As a creature who exists primarily in the world of comedy, LOVE IN THE LAST FIVE DAYS it is a rare opportunity to get to cook with all the spices in my spice rack. It gets to be sad, funny, romantic, scary and everything in between--well, as many things as we could fit in twenty pages, at least.
With a finished script in hand, Heather and I approached Michael Blieden, who had just directed a pilot I worked on for MTV called MARY+JANE. Blieden was moved enough that he agreed to direct it, and now here we are, trying to navigate the difficult seas of turning the dream in our heads into a dream that we can share with all of you.
We hope to share not just our final product, but also our journey with all of you. To everyone out there who cries too much and is looking for a reason to laugh, and to everyone else who laughs too hard and occasionally wants to be sad, your support is most deeply appreciated.
Here's to the end of the world.
Yours Sincerely,