漂流遇見你 Ça Fait Si Longtemps

漂流遇見你 Ça Fait Si Longtemps


Plot outline



Never refuse any encounter! There are so many different kinds of persons in the world. Is it possible, that there is a group of people having similar cultural heritages and fates with us, but they are drifting in the other side of sea?

Two Taiwanese aboriginal musicians Suming and Baobu, are invited to New Caledonia (a island located in the southwest Pacific Ocean) by the director for a trip. During this voyage, they made friends with local Kanak musician, played music, lived together, and sometimes composed together. In the end, they all found the secret to innovation and to go to the world, is to re-discover their traditional culture roots.

Release date



Other movies directed by 《不一樣的月光》、《只要我長大》陳潔瑤