It's now easier to send oversold a message.
Did you know you can watch Oversold on Amazon Prime? 😇
There is grace for you.
Oversold The is a clip from the short film "Oversold" - available to rent or buy on Amazon. Oversold is a live-action modern-day parallel of the biblical story of Hos...
Have you seen #Oversold? If so, tell us your thoughts!
Director Paul Morrell's newest project is up on kickstarter. Come over and get involved. We could really use your help to get this project off the ground! Thanks so much!
Collision - The Movie Raising funds for the development of a treatment and script for a feature length film adapted from the novel, Collision.
Oversold premiered three years ago today!
See what Christianity Today has to say about Oversold:
It's Zimpel Time on HGTV! Watch Oversold's Stephen Zimpel do his magic on The Outdoor Room with Jamie Durie, January 1st @10PM on HGTV