Strange Frame

Strange Frame

How fortunate are those who can frame the beauty of the strange.


"If ever you wondered what a truly unhinged mash-up of the dominant production styles of Heavy Metal, Barbarella and Blade Runner would look like, here’s your chance!" - Danielle Riendeau,

Found an old concept one page for Strange Frame from before 2004.

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies That Feature LGBTQ+ Leads, According To IMDb

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies That Feature LGBTQ+ Leads, According To IMDb

Look which film is the TOP Sci-fi movie that features LGBTQ leads?

Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies That Feature LGBTQ+ Leads, According To IMDb If it's hard to find sci-fi movies that have LGBTQ leads, it's even harder to find ones that are good.

From Idea to Nerdvana

Happy 86th Birthday Ralph!!!!

Macabre Tales #1- Horror anthology comic book

Macabre Tales #1- Horror anthology comic book

Last 5 hours to get this horror goodness and support local artists!

Macabre Tales #1- Horror anthology comic book 6 horror stories from Hawaii. 36-page comic book.

The 50+ Best Weird Movies To Watch

The 50+ Best Weird Movies To Watch

10 years after its release, Strange Frame is still one of the top 100 weirdest films ever made (at #42) and also among the top 250 Sci-Fi films ever made.

The 50+ Best Weird Movies To Watch Welcome to the universe of wonderful weirdness! Prepare yourself for a cinematic journey as we uncover and rank some of the most unusual and intriguing films ever made. This comprehensive list of the best bizarre movies, lovingly compiled, features selections that have managed to perplex and...


Strange Frame was the first animated US feature film to have lesbian main characters and the second animated feature in the world to have a trans character (Axe, below)

Videos (See all)

Muses Give Parker C Boyd some advice
Ron Glass recording Grenman in Strange Frame
The Apartment Scene
At Sundance 2007 right after beginning Strange Frame
The Original Future History of Strange Frame
Georgeʻs wisdom on the importance of Sci-Fi


Other movies directed by David Teixeira
Other movies starring Haradrinn