The Alamo - 2004

The Alamo - 2004

This page is dedicated towards pushing for a Director's Cut or Extended Edition of The Alamo (2004)


Over 16 years ago, THE ALAMO (2004) was released in theaters. Despite its' box office results, this film has garnered a world-wide following of passionate individuals with a love for history. Not only is this film a treasure amongst Alamo buffs, but the film also became an educational tool within classrooms; introducing today's generation to Texas History and the story of the Alamo!

The Alamo (2004) is a film with an extraordinary cast, a moving score, and wonderful direction under John Lee Hancock. But, much of the film was lost on the cutting room floor, never to make its way onto the silver screen. This where we need you!

Share this page! Share it with friends, family members, co-workers, history buffs, you name it! Lets show the world what patriots are made of and tell Hollywood that we want an Extended Edition/Director's Cut of The Alamo in either DVD or Blu-Ray format!

For the cast, for the crew, and for the fans, lets tell Hollywood that we want to see the film that so many people poured their hearts into. A film that we "will never forget".

Remember the Alamo!!!


Other movies directed by Christopher Keefe
Other movies starring Alexander Tt. Müller