P.S. I Love You

P.S. I Love You

The official Facebook page for P.S. I Love You | Sometimes you have to live life one letter at a time.


Get "P.S. I Love You" at the WB Shop: http://bit.ly/wbpsiloveu

Timeline photos

Happy birthday, Gerard Butler!

Timeline photos

P.S. Happy Valentine’s Day 💘

Timeline photos

Wishing Gerald Butler an amazing birthday!

Timeline photos

Happy Birthday, Harry Connick Jr.!

Timeline photos

Happy Birthday to the amazing Hilary Swank!

Photos from P.S. I Love You's post

Feeling the luck of the Irish this St. Patrick’s Day 💚

“I know what I want, cause I’m holding it in my hands.” Wishing everyone a Happy Valentine’s Day!

Videos (See all)

THE SUN IS ALSO A STAR - Trailer Drops Tomorrow
PS I Love You - Karoke




Other movies directed by Oliver Parker
Other movies starring Ricky Gervais