A portrayal of former Black Ops agent wanted to live his life normally but getting into trouble again by meeting a young gril followed by Russian Mafia.
The Equilizer is for sure another movie apart from The Maze Runner that movie fans are looking forward to in this september after having nothing but these movies to watch this month. This is A modern big screen conversion of 1980s TV Show considering the best of this september.
written by Richard Wenk of the Expendables 2 starring washington as Robert McCall, living his life as a normal person leaving behind all the old life of being a black ops agent. But soon he realize that this world will never let him live a happy life as the moment he met Teri, a young women who got badly involved with dangerous Russian mobsters McCall decided to hunt down every single person behind this and free Teri from them and become his knight in this world where no knight exists to save this young princess from evil.