Albion Movie

Albion Movie

A modern day fairytale full of warmth, humor, color and excitement, where things are never what they


EVIE, a spirited young girl, lives for the time she spends with the horses at her local stable. With no mother at home, she cares for her injured father, and dreams of exciting adventures and a horse of her own. Christmas morning, she is working at the stables when she encounters a beautiful black Friesian, DAG DIA. She tries to return him to the barn -­ but instead of heading back to the stables, he bolts into the woods, and soon Evie finds herself in a magical world, ALBION.

Here she is first threatened, then befriended, by ERIU, a girl slightly older but no less spirited than herself, who is on a quest to save her people, the Danann, from the suppressive MILESIANS. DAG DIA has brought Evie there to help:­ as things will turn out, Evie has a much closer connection to Albion than she realizes. In order to get home to her father, Evie must join the Danann on their adventure.

Evie, Eriu and Dag Dia travel across Albion in search of the Four Treasures of the Danann, meeting weird and wonderful characters along the way and facing increasing dangers from every side. They are helped (or perhaps hindered) by LIR, a well-­‐meaning but ineffective knight, and chased throughout by EREMON and EEDER, leaders of the Milesians.

A modern day fairytale full of warmth, humor, color and excitement, where things are never what they seem, ALBION is a coming-­of-­age story about learning to love everything you have, rather than obsess over the things you don't.

Other movies starring Paolo Mayos