Silat Legenda(1998)

Silat Legenda(1998)

Plot outline

Versi Malay:
Filem ini sebenarnya tidaklah berdasarkan secara langsung kepada kisah legenda zaman silam,tetapi mengambil asasnya dari kisah keperwiraan Hang Tuah dan lima sahabat di zaman silam.Kisahnya bermula ketika Melaka di abad ke-15 dengan pertentangan dua orang pahlawan gagah iaitu Selemen dan Mona,yang mana pemenangnya akan menguasai lima bilah senjata misteri.Apabila Mona gagal mendapatkan senjata-senjata tersebut,dia terus berdendam dan masih cuba menguasainya walaupun dengan menggunakan kuasa sihir.Ratusan tahun berlalu,lima bilah senjata sudah ditukar menjadi keris dan disimpan di sebuah gua di Gunung Ledang,dan Mona ditidurkan dalam tempoh itu.Mona hanya dijagakan semula dari bekuannya itu bilamana lima orang anak lelaki muda(Zack,Dino,Roy,Burn dan Jefri) di abad ke-21 yang amat berminat dengan kisah sejarah keperwiraan Hang Tuah dan sahabatnya berjaya menemui senjata-senjata tersebut dan cuba memulihkan kuasanya.Pertarungan antara kuasa jahat dan baik bermula semula.

Version English:
Way back in 15th century Melaka, two silat exponents, Seleman and Mona, compete before their grandmaster to claim the right to be the custodian of five mystical weapons – a sword, arm band, shield, whip and staff. The wise grandmaster decides to award the weapons to Seleman , even though Mona is the more skilled of the two. Mona becomes furious and vows revenge, declaring that the weapons are her right. She delves into the dark world of sorcery in order to gain the power to capture the weapons she covets. Seleman becomes advisor to the Sultan of Melaka. He entrusts the mystical weapons to five warriors to maintain law and order in the realm. The weapons were returned to Seleman when peace was established. When Mona attempts to seize the weapons, he transforms them into five miniature kris and hides them in a cave in Gunung Ledang. Failing to possess the weapons, Mona goes into suspended animation, biding time until the weapons are reactivated. The scenario moves to 21st century Melaka. Five boys share a common interest in the art of silat and the fabled warriors of old Melaka, such as Hang Tuah and his companions. One day, they chance upon an old book which leads them to the cave in Gunung Ledang where they discover the five kris which have lain undisturbed for more than 500 years. As the boys examine the kris in their clubhouse using a computer, a hologram image of Seleman appears telling them that the five kris are actually mystical weapons that can transform them into Legendary Warriors of Silat. The five boys decide to take up the challenge. However, their action of transforming the kris back into the mystical weapons unwittingly awakens Mona from her sleep. Mona again attempts to seize the weapons. When her two minions fail to grab the weapons, she enlist the services of Prof. Keefli, a modern day scientist. As she cannot detect the whereabouts of the weapons unless they are being used, Mona and Prof. Keefli plots to draw out the five Legendary Warriors of Silat. Will Mona succeed in seizing the weapons she covets? Will the boys be able to prevent the combined forces of Mona and Prof. Keefli from creating havoc?


Pertandingan:Festival Filem Malaysia ke-14,1999(Ipoh)
Anugerah Khas Juri-Filem animasi pertama


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