I’m Possible
A Documentary Film about empowering women with disabilities. A true story of hope, persistence and love, from impossible to possible. A Heart that Beats with the Heart of the City.
Plot outline
Twenty years after the war in Prizren, Kosovo, a single woman still resides in the war-torn country, watching the world go by from her wheelchair. Her name is Resmie Rahmani, but most call her Biba May. Born of Bosnian origin in the early 1980s, Biba May suffers from muscular dystrophy, a progressive disease that has taken hold of her entire lower body. Though she is confined to her wheelchair, Biba has not allowed her physical condition to deter her from making a difference; an advocate for women’s equality and justice, Biba May has spent her life working in the city of Prizren to unite women and youth of different cultural backgrounds, religions, beliefs, traditions, gender, and age.