RAZOR EATERS is your front-row ticket to an anarchistic rampage of violence, death and destruction. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0293546/
We have commenced post production on our horror thriller 'Stricken' and will be releasing the movie early 2024. The film is an intelligent, psychological and visceral exploration of fear and the consequences of succumbing to our darkest desires.
Razor Eaters updated their business hours.
Shannon and Paul are teaming up once again on the horror thriller ‘Stricken’ - filming April 2021. stay tuned.
Busy with the Port Arthur movie atm, but exciting news is that we have the rights back for Razor Eaters and will be re-releasing it. Bigger news is Shannon Young is gearing up with Paul Moder to direct a horror film in 2021!
Exciting news all. Razor Eaters will be RE RELEASED in November 2021 including FULL extra features (Making of, video diary, music video. Commentary etc) This searing Aussie classic will also be available on Streaming platforms. With Apex gang activity increasing, the film is more relevant than ever. Stay tuned.
TONIGHT! 9.00PM at Bohemia Cabaret Club - 226-228 Coventry Street, Sth Melb. the searing, multi-award winning feature film 'RAZOR EATERS' Come see the film that launched an official police investigation (no joke) ask Derryn Hinch! (we have the radio interview) Produced by Paul Moder & Nick Levy, Shannon Young's blistering crime thriller achieved critical acclaim, won multiple awards and was released internationally. Gold coin entry, bar open, food available. One night only!
For the first time in God knows how long, the Artists are running the show and we want to continue running our beautiful world and looking after you all better. Spread this far and wide and help us to help you. It's crunch time peeps, there's no going back for Natty and I. Thank you for everything you've done for us. Freedom. Beauty. Dreams
Click here to support SAVE Bohemia Cabaret Club! by Madame-Mama Natalia BOHEMIANS UNITE! Your home needs you... Bohemia Cabaret Club started as an ideal...a dream...a vision for a new world and a home where artists and art lovers could collaborate, perform and be entertained...a place of freedom where anything goes and one was limited only by their imaginations. Ov...
Hi All,
I'm currently bracing the local distributor to see if I can get a second release going (with all additional features) In the meantime, I'll endeavor to burn copies and send them out.