

In this smart, satirical comedy, a brooding avant-garde composer falls for the gorgeous owner of a t

In a case of life imitating art, that had imitated life, Robert Gober has a new show at Matthew Marks Gallery called "Shut Up. No. You shut Up." As you can see in the image on the right taken from our movie (Untitled), we created it first! We are thrilled to see Gober himself parodying the movie, though no doubt unwittingly. We are such fans of Gober that we ourselves, parodied his work in a scene in our movie where we displayed disembodied wax legs and buttocks in slacks, sticking out of the gallery wall at floor level. Sound familiar?

The Arts Are in Crisis. Here’s How Biden Can Help.

The Arts Are in Crisis. Here’s How Biden Can Help.

Art and Artists are necessary for many reasons, right now artists could help us rediscover ourselves and begin anew with more compassion for one another. https://www.nytimes.com/2021/01/13/arts/design/arts-stimulus-biden.html?smtyp=cur&smid=tw-nytimesarts

The Arts Are in Crisis. Here’s How Biden Can Help. The pandemic has decimated the livelihoods of those who work in the arts. How can the new administration intervene and make sure it doesn’t happen again? A critic offers an ambitious plan.

Quarantined Woman Creates a Fine Art Museum For Her Guinea Pig

Quarantined Woman Creates a Fine Art Museum For Her Guinea Pig

"The Rodent Lisa" is one of the more outstanding works at this museum in my humble opinion.

Quarantined Woman Creates a Fine Art Museum For Her Guinea Pig What happens when you have lots of free time and need to distract yourself from uncontrollable life events? Well, you create an art gallery for your pet Guinea pig (obviously).

10 of the World's Leading Museums You Can Explore Digitally

10 of the World's Leading Museums You Can Explore Digitally

Missing your art fix? Here's a suggestion.

10 of the World's Leading Museums You Can Explore Digitally Go inside some of the top collections around the globe from the comfort of your own home with Google Arts & Culture's platform

I Ate the Worst Salad of My Life in the Name of Art

I Ate the Worst Salad of My Life in the Name of Art

This exhibition at the Whitney sounds truly delicious. https://buff.ly/37efKXK


I Ate the Worst Salad of My Life in the Name of Art A new show at the Whitney contemplates produce.

Deer crashes into New York hair salon

Deer crashes into New York hair salon

This reminded us of (UNTITLED).

Deer crashes into New York hair salon Employees and customers of Long Island’s Be.you.tiful Hair Salon were startled Saturday when a deer smashed through the window of the store.

Police arrest second man in connection with theft of £4million golden toilet in Blenheim Palace robbery

Police arrest second man in connection with theft of £4million golden toilet in Blenheim Palace robbery

Here's breaking news in the saga of the stolen golden toilet for your reading pleasure.

Police arrest second man in connection with theft of £4million golden toilet in Blenheim Palace robbery The 18-carat gold toilet was unveiled at Blenheim Palace in Oxfordshire as part of an exhibition by controversial Italian artist Maurizio Cattelan on Friday, but stolen hours after on Saturday.

Who Says Horses and Cows Can't Be Artists?

Who Says Horses and Cows Can't Be Artists?

"What exactly makes something qualify as a piece of art? For Whit Deschner, nothing is out of the question, especially if it’s a well-licked salt block."

Who Says Horses and Cows Can't Be Artists? The sculptures on display at the Great Salt Lick Contest in Oregon are the work of cattle, horses, sheep and deer

Videos (See all)

The flag worked.
The Collector
The Artist
(Untitled) Official Trailer


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