ROSES, movie

ROSES, movie

Title: ROSES. The lives of four friends from around the world are transformed when a rose is secretly


An artist sits in his London studio, drawing roses.

Unbeknown to each other, four women from all over the world have each commissioned him to draw a rose for a friend in crisis:

There’s Betsy, from the American heartlands, who prefers the elaborate life of her daydreams to the looming reality of losing her beloved farm;

Ava, a widow in her sixties in South Africa, whose inability to stand up for herself means that she’s unable to recognize her own sexuality…

Kate, a forty-something calligrapher, forced to return to Australia after a love affair in London went sour, whose emotional bankruptcy has taken her to the brink of despair...

…and Lola, an Argentinian in self-imposed romantic exile in Barcelona, who’s about to miss the opportunity of being reunited with her one great love.

Just as the Rose Artist is about to finish each rose - all the while struggling with his feelings for one of the women - each of the friends reaches a critical juncture in their lives.

As the drawing of their rose evolves, however, so do the women’s lives begin to be transformed, because that’s the Rose Artist's talent: he’s able to tune in to the essence of a woman, her essential ‘her’.

And deliver her, a portrait of herself, through a rose.


Other movies directed by Ezra Albarran